The blazing sun
Hisses as it sinks
Into the boiling seas.
The gulls cry above
As I wish for you
To be here with me.
A thousand miles
Crash and burn
Between us as the
Sun blazes, glitters
Bright across the waters.
Licks of red orange
Fire churn with
The rich cool blue
Of the deep and
Settle as hot foam.
The fires rage on
The surface, as the seas
Push me ever farther
And farther away.
With every sway, I
Lift my eyes above to
Pray for the winds
To guide me ashore.
To your strong embrace.
The golden glow softly
Fades to grey and ink.
The sea spits out the moon
To give birth to her
Stars, diamond children of the night.
With their silver light
Sprinkled down, the
Salty breeze cools and
Breathes the sails
East, East, East
To you, my love.
The earth turns and
Chains the moon
Back to release the surging sun.
But too late, I've won.
No more salty tears,
For the waves have lapped
Along the rocky cliffs
To the wet sand.
The only swaying now
Is of the one holding me.
Never to let go again.
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